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ALI JAWAD BLOG 6 – Should Anti-Doping Agencies give athletes a choice of testing kits during an anti-doping test?
Since Russia was exposed to having tampered with athletes anti-doping testing bottles, it caused a pandemonium amongst anti-doping agencies, sports administrators, international federations, and the most vulnerable - the athletes. It still remains the biggest scandal...
ALI JAWAD BLOG 5 – Should Anti-Doping Education be incorporated within sports degrees at universities?
There have been many instances where athletes have claimed they unknowingly ingested the prohibited substances, or they were advised by their Athlete Support Personnel (ASP) to take a supplement (that was unknowingly contaminated). This is considered as inadvertent...
ALI JAWAD BLOG 4 – How fair is the appeals process within the anti-doping system?
Currently, the World Anti-Doping Code has ten (10) Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) in which athletes can be sanctioned. Usually, the results management process is under the jurisdiction of the athlete’s national anti-doping organisation or in some cases the...