Stay up-to-date with Versapak Doping Control

Stay up-to-date with Versapak Doping Control
WADA President highlights importance of regaining clean athletes’ trust in Keynote London Speech
WADA President Sir Craig Reedie stressed the importance of regaining the trust of clean athletes during his headline speech at the Tackling Doping in Sport Conference in London today.
Tackling Doping in Sports 2016
Versapak Doping Control is delighted to be sponsoring the Tackling Doping in Sports Event 2016.
Does the Latest Anti-Doping Scandal Mark the Beginning of the End for Sports Drug Cheats?
This week the media spotlight has been firmly on anti-doping, with revelations that have sent a shockwave through the world of athletics. The IAAF has come under heavy scrutiny and has some difficult decisions to make in light of WADA’s independent report, which...
The Start of Change for Athletics?
With anti-doping still dominating the headlines, Versapak’s Chair of Doping Control, Francis Cassidy, gave insight into the latest developments of the WADA report to Sky News: “It was compelling viewing… when we look at it from Versapak’s point of view, obviously...
Rugby World Cup and Versapak Doping Control’s shared history
Before the 2015 Rugby World Cup comes to a close, dozens of players will have been tested as part of a rigorous anti-doping policy. Whilst the issue of performance enhancement has been in the news, casting aspersions on certain elements of the sports sector, rugby’s...
Survey reveals security is most important factor in sample collection/transport equipment
A recent survey conducted by Versapak Doping Control found that security is the number one consideration for doping control equipment.
LBC Radio invited Ian Denny Anderson to comment on Sebastian Coe appointment
Following Ian Anderson’s appearance on Sky News on 19th August, he was interviewed the next morning on LBC.
Versapak Chairman Ian Denny Anderson interviewed on Sky News
Ian Denny Anderson was invited by Sky News to be interviewed on the subject of Lord Sebastian Coe would taking over as President of the IAAF