by Admin | Mar 12, 2018 | Blog
Despite the existence of global anti-doping policies, anti-doping organisations all over the world and increasingly tough punishments, doping still persists to be a major issue in the sporting industry. So what is it going to take to end this? It is often said...
by Admin | Mar 12, 2018 | Blog
Despite the existence of global anti-doping policies, anti-doping organisations all over the world and increasingly tough punishments, doping still persists to be a major issue in the sporting industry. So what is it going to take to end this? It is often said...
by Admin | Feb 16, 2018 | News
Versapak Doping Control Ltd, a leading global designer, manufacturer and supplier of tamper evident solutions, is pleased to announce that its new urine transport kit has been independently tested by a third party worldwide authority with an ISO 17025 accredited...
by Admin | Feb 16, 2018 | News, Sin categorizar
Versapak Doping Control Ltd, empresa líder mundial que diseña, fabrica y distribuye soluciones a prueba de manipulación, se complace en anunciar que el nuevo kit para transporte de muestras de orina ha sido sometido a ensayos independientes por parte de una autoridad...
by Admin | Feb 16, 2018 | News, Unkategorisiert
Versapak Doping Control Ltd, ein global führender Hersteller und Lieferant von manipulationssicheren Lösungen, gibt mit Freude bekannt, dass sein neues Transportkit für Urinproben von einer Drittpartei an einem nach ISO 17025 zertifizierten Standort erfolgreichen,...